Coronado Council’s Camps
The Coronado Area Council offers a wide variety of outdoor programs to meet the interests of our campers. From Tiger Cubs thru Boy Scouts and Venturers, many programs are offered at our two camps that operate year round – The Dane G. Hansen Scout Reservation and at Brown Memorial Camp.
Scouts that camp have more fun and stay in Scouting longer. From spending time with your friends and fellow Scouts building craft projects, campfires, and sailing into the sunset to skits and songs, rank advancement, and merit badges, it’s all there – memories that will last a lifetime. Make sure your youth create those memories!
Types of Camps

Cub Scout Resident Camp
A multi-day/multi night camp held at each Camp property during the summer for Cub Scouts. Three sessions of camp are held at Camp Brown and one session at Camp Hansen.

Cub Scout Adventure Camps
Offered in the Spring and Fall, these are Saturday-Sunday family events held at Camp Brown and Camp Hansen.

Cub Scout Day Camp
Held in each of the five districts in late May, June and July. Day camps are two to four days in length. A great summer activity

Webelos Resident Camp
A camp held during the summer for Webelo Cub Scouts going into grades four and five that fall. Three sessions at Camp Brown and one session at Camp Hansen. Many programs offered, campfires and one cookout meal. Activity badges are offered on a two year cycle, for a total of eight activity badges over two summers.

Boy Scout Resident Camp
A weeklong program offered at Camp Hansen. Many programs to choose from including: Trail to Eagle (first year Scouts), numerous merit badges and other programs like – mountain boards, mountain bikes, climbing, rappelling, kayaking, snorkeling, etc.
Hansen’s Tech Center Programs
Open to both Scout and Non-Scout groups, Hansen offers several high-level technology programs year around that challenge youth to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. But most importantly, youth have a blast with the unique offerings Hansen’s tech center provides.